Custom Curtains and Other Little Touches for Your Ideal Office
February 27, 2019
You want your office space to be functional, but you also want it to have a pleasant atmosphere. Fortunately, you don’t have to invest in a major renovation to create a desirable ambiance in your office. The right decorations can make your space feel welcoming and warm; they can even promote productivity. Perhaps all you need is custom curtains in Dallas and a few other little decorative touches. Here are a few tips to help you craft your ideal office space.
How Texture Can Take Interior Design to the Next Level
February 4, 2019
Color, pattern, proportion — all key elements of interior design in Dallas. Unfortunately, many people forget that there is another factor that has a huge impact on the overall look and feel of a room: texture. Technically, everything has “texture,” but texture in interior design refers specifically to creating tactile contrasts that add depth and interest to a space. Let’s talk about why texture is so important and how you can incorporate it into your home to take your décor to the next level.